chowgule and company private limited是一家印度采购商,以下的贸易报告数据来源于贸易数据;该公司的进口数据截止至2023-12-29共计笔交易。基于这些贸易数据,我们从贸易伙伴、进出口港、采供国、HS编码、联系方式等维度对数据进行统计汇总,这可以帮助您提高使用外贸数据的效率。上图是chowgule and company private limited公司近一年的市场趋势分析图,可以从交易数量、重量、价格、交易次数不同维度的趋势来了解当前公司的采供周期和业务稳定性。
2 mercury marine singapore
4 sejin technical industries
5 stanley drilling equipment supply
6 beng hui marine electrical pte
10 worldwide oilfield macnine pvt ltd.
12 mcm oil tool
14 middle east oilfield supplies fze
16 berg armaturen steuerungen gmbh
17 materiaal metingen europe b.v.
18 wartsilla global ligistics services
19 winteb b.v.
23 hatecke gmbh
24 dms
25 southwest oilfiled products fzco
31 dayton korea
32 elcon marine
33 indo emirates oilfield supplies&servic
34 kelvion machine cooling b.v.
39 leco corp
41 meson ab
44 azcue pumps
45 bombas azcue отсутствует испания
46 marin equipment distributors ltd.
48 keppel le tourneau me fze license no.
51 aqua terra oilfied equipment&services pte ltd.
52 palfinger marine europe b.v.
54 de haan
55 ningbo hiqiang boat facility manufacturing
56 hoglund marine automation as
57 glamox as,bu glamox northern europe
58 changshu longteng special steel
59 alfa laval middle eastt ltd.
60 neptunus global trading fze
64 mid continent equipment inc.
67 kj tubinginc
68 oceanpower trading services fze
69 berg propulsion production ab
70 kiswel ltd.
74 jiangsu jiaoyan marine equipment co ltd
77 kiswell ltd
80 a.p.i.marin
81 mineralka proizvodnja negorljivih m
83 kongsberg maritime benelux bv
87 lagersmit
88 gecam s r l
91 coops&nieborg deck equipment b.v.
93 wartsila water systems ltd.
95 gates engineering&services fzco
96 global petroleum valves pvt ltd.
97 sec ship s equipment centre bremen gmbh
99 manuli fluiconnecto middle east fze
100 surkon international- surkon makina sanayi ve tica
103 veolia water india
104 rwo gmbh
105 syncrolift ltd.
106 aluminox s.a.
107 hebei jingbo petroleum machinery cj ltd.
108 qingdao yonghexing houseboat propeller factory
109 time marine fzc
111 adghal oilfiled supplies llc
112 de boer staal
113 toplicht gmbh
117 h henriksen as
118 geod drilling equipment supply inc.
119 national oilwell dht l pvt ltd.
120 staco s.r.l.
121 fms enterprises migun ltd.
123 jiangyin lingrui international
124 .cameron a schlumberger co
125 yanmar asia singapore corp pte ltd.
126 teamtec
127 brunswick marine in emea. inc
128 promau s.r.l.
129 shanghai c&d battery
130 kiswel inc
132 damen marine components netherlands
134 yanmar power technologies
137 beutech
交易时间 2023/12/29
供应商 ---
采购商 chowgule and company private limited
交易数 ---
重量 ---
金额 224.219
采购区 India
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