a m construction co是一家英国采购商,以下的贸易报告数据来源于贸易数据;该公司的进口数据截止至2024-06-28共计笔交易。基于这些贸易数据,我们从贸易伙伴、进出口港、采供国、HS编码、联系方式等维度对数据进行统计汇总,这可以帮助您提高使用外贸数据的效率。上图是a m construction co公司近一年的市场趋势分析图,可以从交易数量、重量、价格、交易次数不同维度的趋势来了解当前公司的采供周期和业务稳定性。
1 omega heavy equip trdg sharjah uae
2 omega heavy equip trading sharjah u a e
5 muhammad anwar latif trading llc
7 sethi 1996 imports exp pvt ltd.
9 ritchie bros.auctioneers america i
10 putizmeister concrete machines pvt ltd.
11 readymix construction machinery
12 mtl marine transport logistics
14 omega heavy equipment trading
15 omega heavy equipment trd sharjah
16 muhammed anwar latif trading llc
17 al marwan heavy equipment&machinery trading es
18 royal house commerciall broker
19 asia technologies consulting corp.
20 sayed aajaz hussain heavy vehicles&spare parts
21 liaocheng kaituo construction machinery co.ltd.
23 al raas heavy equipment rental trading llc
24 al wasit machinery trading llc
25 sayed aajad heavy vehicle spare part trading
26 al muqarab shipping dubai u a e
27 shwe pyit taing h taung trdg co.ltd.
28 muhammed anwar latif trd llc
29 mohammad anwar latif trd llc
30 muhammad anwar latif heavy equipment trdg shj
31 muhammed anwar latif heavy equipment trdg shj
33 mohd anwar latif used cars equp s p tr llc
35 zhengzhou bona enterprises co.ltd.
36 cmp pvt ltd.
37 world of logistics c os usa star group of co
38 world of logistics c oli usa star group of coli 6726
交易时间 2024/06/28
供应商 puja dies india
采购商 a m construction co
产品描述 STEEL CHAIR [展开]
交易数 ---
重量 ---
金额 275000
采购区 England
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